العلامة التجارية
الشمعة الذكية
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سمارت كاندل هي العلامة التجارية الرائدة عالميًا في مجال الشموع الإلكترونية لكليهما
الأسواق الاستهلاكية والتجارية. تم إنتاج أول شمعة LED في عام 1999 وبمرور الوقت قمنا بتعزيز مكانتنا وترسيخها كأفضل شمعة في العالم من خلال الابتكار المستمر والتكنولوجيا الرائدة في السوق.
تقدم Smart Candle أكبر مجموعة من شموع LED في العالم مع
النطاق الذي لا مثيل له. نحن نتطلع إلى تقديم حل لكل استخدام للشموع التي يمكنك تخيلها.
نظام قابل للشحن
تعتبر مجموعة الشموع القابلة لإعادة الشحن من سمارت كاندل شاملة، حيث تعمل أكثر من 200000 مؤسسة في جميع أنحاء العالم على تشغيل نظام قابل لإعادة الشحن من بعض المتغيرات. يمكن للأنظمة المتنوعة أن تساعد أي شخص في القطاع التجاري، على أن يصبح أكثر أمانًا وكفاءة والأهم من ذلك فعالية التكلفة.

منتجات الشموع الذكية
rechargeable Candles
Smart Candle’s rechargeable candle range is comprehensive, over 90,000 establishments across the world are operating a rechargeable system of some variant. The varying systems can help anyone in the commercial sector, become safer and importantly increase their bottom line.
Sleek in design, forward thinking design combined with our exacting high quality standards, restaurants, hotels, bars, casinos, clubs etc can provide an ambient atmosphere without seeing profits go up in smoke. A wide range of candle holders for rechargeable candles are offered by Smart Candle with some exclusive designs available.

Battery Candles
Tea Lights, Wax Pillar Candles, Votives and Taper Candles. Smart Candle have been manufacturing LED Candles for over 21 Years. Our Battery Operated Candles offer the closest simulation to real candles the marketplace has to offer. Very importantly having our own manufacturing facility, we can guarantee that the quality is unmatched. We can prove it.

Luminara Candles
Luminara candles use patented moving flame technology, to create a realistic candle light flame which physically moves. These are available in a variety of styles, with most of the candles including a 5 hour timer and remote control option.

Table Lamps
Tabletop lighting is one of the most effective ways to make every meal a special occasion. Quality candle light creates a strong visual impact. It will increase the value of the dining experience. Table lighting is also one of the least expensive, high impact changes that you can make to the interior of your establishment.
All of our Table Lamps are of superior quality and durable enough to withstand the rigors of any commercial environment. We offer a comprehensive range to suit your requirements.

Candle Holders
Smart Candle Holders for our range flameless candles are commercially durable yet stylish enough to use in your own home. All of our holders are especially designed to enhance the effect of our smart candles and to enhance the ambience of any environment.
Smart Candle can offer a range of over 50 Exclusive Holders in different shapes, styles and materials that have been hand picked, making sure they work with our candles and ensuring the quality of the holder itself.