Professional Cookware
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Agnelli cookware is used all over the world, it meets the most sophisticated cooking techniques and it is appreciated by the most established cooks and lovers of good food.
“Hygiene, elegance, practicality, savings… Baldassare Agnelli is the only factory that can supply a full homogeneous kitchen in pure Aluminum.”

Cookware Collection
Agnelli cookware is used all over the world, it meets the most sophisticated cooking techniques and it is appreciated by the most established cooks and lovers of good food. High flared induction pans in aluminum and polished steel with a tubular stainless steel handle.

Kitchen Equipment
Agnelli Kitchen Equipment is used all over the world, it meets the most sophisticated cooking techniques and it is appreciated by the most established cooks and lovers of good food. High flared induction pans in aluminum and polished steel with a tubular stainless steel handle.